Entries by WPA-TPS

Call for Papers Training in Culture and Migration Mental Health

Transcultural Psychiatry will have a Special Issue on Education https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tps More than 68 million people are currently displaced from their homes. Over the coming decades, the number of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers will continue to rise. Worldwide, health care systems have to be prepared for this very heterogeneous population, with their different biographies, trajectories, […]

Orbituary for dr. Kees Laban. by Simon Groen and Hans Rohlof

Being one of the world leading pioneers of transcultural psychiatry and advocate of the active role of the psychiatrist to defend the rights of the vulnerable patient, dr. Kees Laban has passed away on 17 October 2018, at the age of 65. Cornelis J. Laban (Kees), M.D. Ph.D., born in the city of Rotterdam in […]

WPA Transcultural Section Action Plan 2014-2017

Obligations according to by-laws: In accordance to the WPA by-laws all sections are required to carry out certain tasks: (see also WPA website: WPA Bylaws) Have at least 20 members. Have held an election for the Section Committee, including a Chair and a Secretary, in accord with its By-laws. Have presented at least one symposium […]

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Migrants on the Move in Europe

A multiagency guidance note ( a.o. UNHCR), IOM, MHPPS, IFRC Psychosocial Centre) This brief guidance note seeks to provide advice on protecting and supporting the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Europe. It describes key principles and appropriate interventions to guide all those who are designing and organizing emergency services […]

Call for papers on Asylum seekers and Refugees

Call for papers for a Transcultural Psychiatry Special Issue on Asylum seekers and Refugees The world has not seen so many refugees since WW II. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the worldwide numbers of asylum seekers and refugees show an upward trend, reaching 50 million and above. Many studies report […]

Dubrovnik Summer School of Psychotraumatology 2014

June 1 – 6 Integrative Approach to Understanding Complex Trauma: The Role of Culture and Other Contextual Denominators Due to industrial development, mass migrations, globalization, and information revolution the world has rapidly changed ever since. Nowadays, psychiatrists and psychologists in the western, industrialized world are on a regular basis facing patients whose cultural backgrounds are […]

Winner of the Young Researcher Award

The Committee of the Board of the Transcultural Section of the World Psychiatric Association has agreed on the Winner of the Young Researcher Award. Regrettably, we needed some more time than expected. In fact, there are two winners, of the ten manuscripts which were sent to us.

SSPC 2014 Annual Meeting

Trauma, Recovery, and Culture We will have a keynote lecture by Mark Micale, Professor of History at the University of Illinois, followed by our opening panel on the conference theme, moderated by Hendry Ton and featuring survivors of torture from three different cultures: Dr. Edie Eger, a Holocaust survivor who danced for Dr. Mengala in […]